Originally produced for the Peoples-uni Dissertation module.
The course provides information to help design a research project in the field of public health. It is designed for people to work through themselves, but would be suitable for guidance by a mentor or supervisor.
- Identify an important public health issue facing your community
- Perform a systematic review of the literature to provide the background to your research
- Identify the methods for performing a research project relevant to the problem you have identified
- Prepare a protocol to perform the research project that you have identified
More confidently read the results sections of medical journals and
perform and interpret the results from frequently used statistical
procedures. This course comes from the Peoples-uni module prepared by Marija Noursis and is based on her basic biostatistics e-book which you can download as part of the course.
- Describing and Summarizing Data
- Evaluating Results from Samples
- Basics of Hypothesis Testing
- Testing Hypotheses about Counts
- Correlation and Regression