Reflection on designing a project
Reflection on designing a project
متطلبات الإكمال
طرح منشورات في المنتدى: 1
Reflect on the following aspects of your research study:
The study design.
- Have you stated a study hypothesis and/or research question(s)?
- Is the design chosen clear, and is it appropriate for the study hypothesis or research questions?
- Have you thought about the choice of design against other possible options?
Target population and study samples.
- Are the target population and study samples consistent with the study hypothesis / research question(s)?
- Are the population and study samples adequately described and thought through.
- Are inclusion and exclusion criteria defined?
Sample size and sampling process.
- Has a sample size calculation been conducted?
- Is the sampling process clear and feasible?
Study methods and data collection.
- Are the methods and data collection clear and feasible?
- Is the measurement of the study and outcome factors clear and valid?
- Has measurement of potential confounding factors been considered?
- Have details of the analysis been considered?
- Have major milestones been identified?
- Are the sequence and timing logical and appropriate?
Ethical considerations.
- Has institutional ethical approval been described?
- Do you plan to obtain informed consent?
- Has anonymity, confidentiality and privacy been considered?
- Is data handling/storage appropriate?
- Are there other ethical issues?
Limitations of study including potential bias.
- Have the limitations been considered?
- Might there be any biases, including selection, information and confounding?
- Have processes to reduce bias been identified (if appropriate)?
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