Originally produced for the Peoples-uni Open Online Courses site
Designed to explore the concepts of Medical Professionalism and how they might be applied in various settings
- Introduction and definitions
- Altruism and commitment to patients’ interests
- Physician self-regulation and maintenance of competence
- Civic engagement
- Relevance to today/tomorrow

Originally produced for the Peoples-uni Open Online Courses site
Designed to help understand the importance of Human Rights to Public Health.
- General introduction
- Humanitarian crises
- Reproductive health
- Universal health care
- Provision of health services
- Legal aspects of Human Rights

Originally produced for the Peoples-uni Open Online Courses site
Designed to provide information on the threats to the health of refugees and asylum seekers, and canvass potential methods to help improve the situation. The focus is global, but there is a focus on refugees settled in developed countries
- The refugee problem
- Details of health effects on refugees
- Models of healthcare for settled refugees
- Politics - a global issue
- What can we do?