Originally produced for the Peoples-uni Open Online Courses site
Provides the opportunity to find out about health in a particular country, or region, and about major disease categories facing populations in the world.
- Global burden of disease
- Communicable diseases
- Non-Communicable diseases
- Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Injury
- Mental illness

Originally produced for the Peoples-uni Open Online Courses site
Maternal morbidity and mortality remain major problems in many parts of the world - one of the most important threats to Public Health. The purpose of the course is to provide the people who may be able to help tackle the problem with the knowledge and skills to do so. We will focus on identifying the size of the problem, the causes, and the evidence base behind interventions to improve the situation. We will end by identifying ways to implement evidence based solutions in your own setting.
- Magnitude of the problem of Maternal Mortality
- Causes and epidemiology
- Evidence based solutions within the health system
- Evidence based solutions outside the health system
- Implementing an intervention

Originally produced for the Peoples-uni Open Online Courses site
How to collect information on the burden of injury, understand the causes and risk factors for injury, and develop and evaluate relevant intervention programs. Underpinned by the principles and characteristics of a public health approach to prevention.
- Burden of disease from injury
- Principles and conceptual frameworks
- Risk factors and causes of injury
- Development of interventions
- Implementation of prevention strategies

Originally produced for the Peoples-uni Open Online Courses site
Because of the relationship between obesity and physical inactivity, we are considering both in the course, which is designed to help understanding of not only the size of the problem, the causes, health effects and benefits of prevention and management of both issues through exercise and weight loss, but also to explore the relationship between obesity and physical inactivity.
- Physical inactivity and health
- Obesity and health
- Physical activity and obesity - are they related?
- Evidence based interventions

Originally produced for the Peoples-uni Open Online Courses site
The course aims to help practitioners understand the size of the NCD problem in low resource settings and its causes, and to develop policies to reduce the growing burden on developing country populations.
- Burden of disease
- Causes
- Appraising the evidence for international prevention
- How can we make health policy to reduce the burden
- Implementing intervention programmes

Originally produced for the Peoples-uni Open Online Courses site
Aims to help you understand some of the risk factors, and size of the burden of mental illness and think about policies and interventions that can help tackle this neglected public health issue.
- Introduction to global mental health
- Health promotion and epidemiology
- Suicide - epidemiology and prevention
- Evidence-based interventions
- Planning and implementing mental health interventions